Search result //$search_full_string?> The search result of Tokyo / Tourism/Airline/Hotel/Bridal / Vocational school .
Getting professional employment through a curriculum directly linked with the business world!
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- Summary
- Founded in 1966, MODE GAKUEN College of Fashion & Design is one of Japan’s largest professional schools, with branches in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Paris. In the fields of fashion, design, business, interiors, graphics, makeup, and beauty, we have developed curri... more
服部栄養専門学校(Hattori Nutrition College)
A culinary, confectionery, and nutrition training college specifically for those who aim to be the best amongst all.
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- With the curriculum practice based on ‘shokuiku’ (dietary education) proposed by the principle, Hattori Yukio, Hattori Nutrition College helps to nurture expert nutritionists, chefs and pastry chefs who can fulfill the mission of dietary education while consideri... more
東京スイーツ&カフェ専門学校(Tokyo Sweets and Café Career College)
Be a café & confectionary professional appreciated by all
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- <<In two years, learn everything from confectionary to bread-making, culinary, and beverage-related and master over 400 recipes! Every week, the college holds practical lessons at an actual café and patisserie!>> One of the biggest attractions of Tokyo Sweets an... more
東京ビューティーアート専門学校(Tokyo Beauty Art College)
Be a beauty professional appreciated by all
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- Summary
- Expand your prospect with a wide variety of choices! Two departments with a total of 11 courses to choose from such as hair, make-up, beauty, manicure, and modeling. In the second semester of the first year, students get to pick their favorite courses depending o... more
専門学校神田外語学院(Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages)
Fostering greater mutual understanding around the world through linguistic communication to bring people closer together
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- Summary
- Young people equipped with foreign language abilities, specialized skills and a good understanding of other cultures can respond flexibly to a wide variety of situations and circumstances, further vitalizing our world. Foreign language abilities that enable open ... more
Search result: 1-5 (total 5)