Search result The search result of Anime/Manga / Vocational school .

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大原情報デザインアート専門学校(Ohara College of Information, Design and Art)

Start your future at Ohara- a school that expertises in computer.

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“I want to have a career related to my favorite manga, anime & voice acting!”- There are quite a number of people who have the very same passion and work hard towards it. However, there exist various types of works within the manga, anime and voice acting field. ... more

OCA Osaka College of Design and IT Technology(OCA大阪デザイン&テクノロジー専門学校)

The school where you use design and technology to turn creativity into your job.

Type of school
Learn to provide happiness and excitement with your full creativity. We train skilled creatives in 3 or 4 years. OCA Osaka College of Design and IT Technology has been providing specialized education in direct connection with the industry since our founding... more

日本デザイナー芸術学院(Nippon Designer Academy of Fine Arts)

Nichide- the academy with 51 years of history in Nagoya

Type of school
Known as “Nichide”, Nippon Designer Academy of Fine Arts was established in 1967 and it was the very first vocational school in the Chubu region that specialized in design and photography. Throughout the years, the school has produced many graduates who are curr... more

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