OCA Osaka College of Design and IT Technology(OCA大阪デザイン&テクノロジー専門学校)

The school where you use design and technology to turn creativity into your job.

Introduction of school

Learn to provide happiness and excitement with your full creativity.
We train skilled creatives in 3 or 4 years.

OCA Osaka College of Design and IT Technology has been providing specialized education in direct connection with the industry since our founding in 1988 as we consider generational changes and social needs under our founding principles of practical learning, personal development, and international education. We train skilled creatives in 3 or 4 years through a unique curriculum and support that places value on each individual.

OCA Osaka College of Design and IT Technology(OCA大阪デザイン&テクノロジー専門学校)

Features of school

Company projects Get experience equivalent to professional work in class
OCA Osaka College of Design and IT Technology(OCA大阪デザイン&テクノロジー専門学校) Features of school 1

Company projects are jobs for client companies that allow you to get experience equivalent to professional work by making products (works) and giving presentations. By taking on multiple company projects as a student, you will be ready for professional work.

Full use of advanced tools and equipment! Expand your possibilities as a creator
OCA Osaka College of Design and IT Technology(OCA大阪デザイン&テクノロジー専門学校) Features of school 2

We use tools and advanced equipment in classes that are actually used in the industry to improve your practical skills. Students can use the classrooms and these tools outside of class as well. You can create to your heart's content and improve your skills.

Use our rich support system to find your ideal job! Our professional staff provides thorough advice on the best route based on your preferences and skills.
OCA Osaka College of Design and IT Technology(OCA大阪デザイン&テクノロジー専門学校) Features of school 3

● Detailed school seminars provide all you need for maximum preparation when starting from level 1
You can learn everything from basic business manners and appearance to proper interview behavior.
● We hold private meetings to help you choose the best path for you as a student
We hold meetings with all students, and the staff will work with you to find your preferred job in your preferred industry.
● Employment events to support your dreams
Through various employment events, such as multi-company explanatory meetings, reviews of your works, job hunting ceremonies, and job hunting classes, you can improve yourself to make a good impression.
● Support for employment anywhere in Japan
Based on our extensive experience and network of sister schools, we have access to the top job listings in Japan.

Department, course

[Super Game IT Department (4 years)] * Capacity: 120
• Super Game Creator Course
• Game Graphics & Characters Course
• Super CG and Video Creator Course
• Digital Fashion Designer Course
• E-sports Event Management Course
• Super IT Engineer Course
• White Hat Hacker Course
• AI Engineer Course
• Robot/AI Creator Course
• Graphic Design & Illustration Course
• Comic Illustration Master Course

[Game/CG Creator Department (3 years)] * Capacity: 80
• Game Programmer Course
• Game Graphics & Characters Course
• CG Creator Course
• Online Video Creator Course
• IT Programmer Course

[E-sports Department (3 years)] * Capacity: 40
• E-sports Programmer Course

[Creator Department (3 years)] * Capacity: 40
• Animation Course
• Comic Illustration and Manga Course
• Novel and Scenario/Writing Course

Total number of students 280
Ratio of men to women 6:4

Jobs that you can aim

Game programmer
Computer programmer
CG animator
CG designer
VR creator
Game character designer
Game graphic designer
CG animator
CG designer
Video editing
VFX creator
Video director
Art director
Game designer
Game director
Manga artist
Graphic designer
E-sports manager
E-sports event staff
Other E-sports jobs
Production management
Finishing work
Background art
Character designer
Animation director
Photography (compositing)
AI engineer
White hat hacker
Security engineer
Systems engineer


OCA Osaka College of Design and IT Technology(OCA大阪デザイン&テクノロジー専門学校)
・大阪metro長堀鶴見緑地線 西大橋駅3番出口 約5分
・大阪metro四つ橋線 四ツ橋駅6番出口 約7分
・大阪metro御堂筋線 心斎橋駅3番出口 約11分
・JR、近鉄、南海 なんば駅から約20分

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